Retina Ablation Disease

Retinal ablation is a condition of disconnection of the retina from the supporter network underneath. This retina release will result in impaired retinal function.

If the retinal ablation is left untreated, the greater your risk of permanent vision loss will be to the affected eye.

Retina Ablation Disease | Diseasezero

Symptoms of Retina ablation

Retina ablation is painless. However, the sign and symptoms almost always appear before the illness happens or enter the advanced level.

Signs indicating that you experience retinal ablation, including:

  • Appearing black spots floating on the field of sight
  • Appears flashes of light on one or both eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • There is a kind of curtain covering some eye view.

Complications of retinal ablation

The most severe conditions a patient with retinal ablation can suffer from the loss of vision or blindness.

Causes of retinal ablation

The main causes of retinal ablation are:

  • The conforming Vitreous. Vitreous is a clear condensed fluid that fills the inside of the eyes
  • Diabetes
  • Wounds or inflammation

The risk of retina ablation will increase if you:

  • Over 50 years old
  • Never suffered from previous retinal ablation
  • Have a family member of retinal ablation
  • Myopia is suffering from long-sightedness
  • Never experienced eye injuries
  • Never suffer from other eye diseases or inflammation

Retinal ablation Diagnosis

Diagnosis of retinal ablation is determined from interviews and some examinations. The doctor will examine the inside of the eye with a tool called Oftalmoskop. This Ophthalmoskop will provide a detailed picture, allowing the doctor to see the retina holes, tears, and so on.

Also, there is an ultrasound imaging examination. The doctor may use this test in the event of bleeding in the eye.

Retinal ablation Treatment

If the retina is torn but not yet loose, then the release of the retina can be prevented by laser beam action. The use of a laser can create a burning effect on the retinal tear so that a scar and a torn retina can be attached to the underlying tissue.

In rare cases, when a laser cannot be used, it can be performed instead. Kriopeksi is a cold-temperature feeding action with an ice needle to attach the retina to the tissues underneath.

Meanwhile, if the retina is already detached then the patient requires surgical action. Some of these types of surgery are:

Scleral buckling

Silicone rubber sewing on the outside of the white of the Eye (sclera). This silicone rubber will make the retina stick again on the eyewall.


Surgery to remove vitreous from within the eyeball.

Pneumatic Retinopeksi

The injection of the gas into the eye, so that it formed a bubble that would then close the tear duct. The bubbles will be absorbed and allow the retina to be ripped to stick back.

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