Absence Seizure Disease

An absence seizure is a type of spasm in the form of a conch for a few seconds when seizures occur. This type of seizure is also called the Petit mal seizure term.

An absence seizure is most commonly found in children, especially at the age of 4 – 14 years old. Generally, seizures occur in a very short time. However, it can be repeated many times a day. There are cases where people experience this seizure hi Gaga ten times a day, some are experienced until hundreds of times a day. Unfortunately, because the symptoms are only a snail, the condition of the absence seizure often realized late.

Absence Seizure Disease | Diseasezero

Absans type seizures are part of epileptic diseases. Therefore, observation and treatment absence seizure is very important.

Causes of Absence Seizure

An absence seizure is caused by abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The cause of electrical activity abnormalities remains unclear. Genetic mutations are suspected to also be one of the causes, but which genes experiencing the mutation are still in the further stages of research.

In addition to genetic factors, some things that can increase the risk of seizures Absans are:

  • Alcohol drinking habits
  • Cocaine user
  • Side effects of drugs like high dose penicillin antibiotics, high dose INH, and neuroleptic type of drug

Diagnosis of Absence Seizure

The disease absence seizure is often late to be diagnosed because of its uncharacteristic symptoms. The doctor suspects the disease if the child is seen experiencing a short-sighted episode for a few seconds. To make sure, an electroencephalography (EEG) examination is needed to see the abnormalities of electrical activity in the brain. 

Also, to ensure that Absans type seizures are caused by epilepsy and are not caused by other diseases, generally conducted blood screening, CT-scan or MRI of the brain, and examination of brain fluids through lumbar puncture is necessary.

Symptoms of Absence Seizure

The main symptom of absence seizure is the that occurs for several seconds. At the time, the sufferer could not talk, not listen, and could not converse with others.

Sometimes in addition to the moan, Absans seizure symptoms are also accompanied by their mouth eyebrows wiggling. In this type of seizures, as soon as the seizure attack ends, the sufferer can directly activity as usual again. This causes Absans to be often late known because it does not suffer any interruptions.

Treatment Absence Seizure

The main therapy for overcoming absence seizure is to consume anti-epileptic drugs. Because of its fairly varied side effects, the drug should only be administered by a neurologist with strict monitoring. Patients with Absans type seizures should always control regularly to the doctor.

There are many anti-epileptic drugs, but the most effective to cope with Absans-type epilepsy is ethosuximide and valproic acid. Until now that is easier to obtain in Indonesia is valproic acid. The drug should be drunk for a long time, generally drunk for at least two years.

Long consuming anti-epileptic drugs in one person can differ from others. If after taking the drug within a certain period, the seizure of Absans is no longer present, then the doctor will slowly lower the dose. But if the seizure of Absans still can not be controlled with drugs, then often the dose of the drug should be added, or need to be done combinations with other drugs.

Patients with seizures can do the usual activity, but some activities, such as swimming, need to be monitored strictly because when there is absence when swimming, the risk of drowning can occur despite the possibility of small.

Prevention of Absence Seizure

If someone has been known to experience epilepsy type absence seizure, then seizures attacks can be prevented by:

  • Taking anti-epilepsy medication regularly according to doctor's advice
  • Sleep enough 6 – 8 hours a day
  • Manage Stress Well
  • Eating High fiber foods

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