Alzheimer disease
Alzheimer's disease/senile is a condition where some of the cells in the brain are not functioning. Consequently, brain capacity decreases drastically.
In the early phases, patients with Alzheimer's usually often lose short-term memory. For example, forget or can't remember the occurrence that just happened. Also, the sufferer often forgot the name of the place or objects that are often used.
Patients with Alzheimer's disease will experience considerable deterioration of intellectual function. This will disrupt the daily activities and social life of the sufferer.
Alzheimer's disease occurs chronic and cannot heal as a condition. Until now, there have been no medications that can cure Alzheimer's disease 100%.
The risk of Alzheimer's disease increases with increasing age. Generally, the disease appears above the age of 65 years and more often affects women.
Alzheimer's Complications
Some of the complications that can occur in people with Alzheimer's disease/senile are:
- Depression
- Reluctant to do normal activities
- Change of attitude and my Perliaku
- Sleep pattern Changes
- Difficult to communicate
- Withdraw from family and environment
Alzheimer's Diagnosis
Determination of diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease/senile can be done through interviews and some examinations. The doctor will conduct a check to assess the ability to remember, change attitudes, degrees of memory impairment that occur, to the cause of the complaint.
To assess the mental health of a sufferer, the Mini-Mental State Examination may be conducted by the MMSE. Additional checks that may be performed such as blood screening, MRI examination, CT Scan examination.
Symptoms of Alzheimer's
Early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease/senile include:
- It's easy to forget, even for things that are often done or things that are just done.
- The sufferer often experiences disorientation, especially for timing problems.
- Difficulties in complex cognitive functions, such as mathematics or organizational activity.
If this condition persists, some complaints that may arise are:
- Confusion and disorientation
- Attitude changes, For example, become more aggressive or become more suspicious
- Hallucinations or delusions
- Problems in talking
- Difficult to take action without assistance
Alzheimer's treatment
Therapy for Alzheimer's disease/senile involves several aspects, such as:
- Use of medicines. Classes of drugs commonly used for Alzheimer's disease/senile therapy are cholinesterase inhibitors (e.g. Donepezil), Memantine, antidepressants, up to anti-anxiety medications and insomnia.
- Environmental therapy. In this regard how to make the Alzheimer sufferer feel more comfortable. For example, by placing important objects in life (wallets, keys) in the same place every day. Also, make sure that Alzheimer's sufferers carry your phone on the go.
- Check your doctor regularly.
- Lifestyle changes. Exercise regularly and increase the patient's daily nutritional intake. Some of the vitamins that can help Alzheimer's disease are Omega-3, curcumin, ginkgo, and vitamin E.
Alzheimer's Prevention
Some things you can do to prevent Alzheimer's disease/senile are:
- Quit
- Avoid large quantities of alcohol consumption
- High nutritional food consumption (vegetable and fruit)
- Exercising at least 150 minutes a week
- Perform routine checks to the doctor
- Activate your brain with a lot of reading, writing, language learning, playing musical instruments, playing tennis, swimming and walking.
Causes of Alzheimer's
Until now is not known a definite cause of Alzheimer's disease/senile. However, there are several risk factors in the presence of this disease:
- Increasing age
- Family history of Alzheimer's
- Head Injury History
- Lifestyle-related to cardiovascular disease risk factors