Hemorrhoid disease
Hemorrhoid, or in a medical language called piles, is a condition in which the widening of blood vessels located around the anus. The dilated anus veins are often unusually great, thinning, and irritated.
This condition is especially common when risk factors are repeated (e.g. frequent bowel movements). This is what leads to complications of hemorrhoid is the condition of anemia to shock, if there is so much bleeding from the irritable veins.
There are two classification classifications:
- Interna. In this condition, hemorrhoid that is formed is located quite deep so that the sufferer is unable to see or feel the dilation of blood vessels occurring.
- Externa. The hemorrhoid is formed from a blood vessel that is located further outside the Hemorrhoid Interna. When removing the stool, hemorrhoid often arises out so that it is easy to see and perceived sufferer. Ambeien external usually causes the sufferer is very uncomfortable due to the ease of blood vessels irritated and painful.
Diagnosis of Hemorrhoid disease
To determine the hemorrhoid diagnosis, the doctor will perform a series of diagnosis lines starting from the interview. In interviews, the doctor will dig the complaints you feel.
The next will be a physical examination, which is thoroughly screening by the doctor. Important examination details to do include the examination of the anus area to ensure the cause of the complaint is hemorrhoid. You may be instructed to Strain and during the examination.
In addition to seeing an overview of the anus area (looking for bumps), the examination may also be accompanied by a rectal action (inserting a finger into the anus to inspect the inner surface of the anus) for an internal suspicion. Also, the examination will be supplemented by the search for the signs of the occurrence of anemia as complications of hemorrhoid (there is pale on the conjunctiva of the eye).
Support checks may be required if the physical examination results are not satisfactory. For example, because of the hemorrhoid inside/Interna, there is an operative action plan on hemorrhoids, as well as to look for other possible causes of bleeding from the anus (the most wary is a condition of colon cancer).
The supporting examination is anoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. This examination is done by inserting a camera-equipped device into the anus, to see the picture in the lower colon area clearly and in detail.
Symptoms of Hemorrhoid disease
The following symptoms are commonly caused by hemorrhoid:
- The emergence of fresh blood dripping from the anus when defecating
- Anus itching
- Pain. Pain arises due to the hemorrhoid caused by rubbing against clothing or sitting. Severe pain can also arise when there is blood clotting in the hemorrhoid
- Visible moist lumps in pink (lighter) anus area from the surrounding area
- Appearing lumps out of the anus post defecation, bumps can enter itself or should be pushed first
- Pale, easy to weakness, not easy concentration, if there have been complications of anemia due to excessive bleeding
Treatment of hemorrhoid disease
If you experience signs and symptoms have occurred hemorrhoid, then the first thing you should notice is how heavy the hemorrhoid is suffered. If the hemorrhoid is not visible (only perceived), can still enter by itself, then you can still delay the visit to the doctor.
Most importantly, strive for a lifestyle improvement to prevent the hemorrhoid from unmembering. Prevention is also important for those of you who have never suffered from hemorrhoid:
- Maintain the consistency of stool so that it is not hard to consume food intake of high fiber content (eg fruits, vegetables, whole grain, etc.)
- Dip your fluid intake
- Avoid delaying the defecation process. Immediately defecate when you feel the signs because long stools stored in the colon will continue to experience water absorption so that the consistency will harden over time
- Avoid strained and too strong and too long sat bowel movements
- Increase physical activity because it influences your digestive fluency
- Avoid doing activities that allow you to sit on the latrines (reading, smoking) because it increases the pressure and simplifies the occurrence of hemorrhoid
- Maintain weight to keep it ideal
- Avoid lifting weights that are too heavy, especially plus the habit of holding your breath (straining) when lifting those heavy loads Another case if the hemorrhoid is accompanied by complaints of discomfort that irritate you, causing a lot of bleeding, or hemorrhoid has stood out and can not enter at all. You will usually be advised to visit a doctor immediately to obtain a treatment.
If you have bleeding from the anus for the first time, then you are also advised to obtain a doctor's examination because bleeding by the anus may be caused by various other diseases such as colon polyps, colon cancer, or Cronin's disease.
Causes of Hemorrhoid disease
The cause of hemorrhoids until now is believed to be a combination of hereditary (genetic) factors. Several risk factors can trigger hemorrhoids.
The risk factors are as follows:
- Old age
- Recurrent constipation (chronic contemplation)
- Frequent strained while defecating
- Pregnancy
- Increased abdominal pressure (e.g. due to tumors)
- Insufficient fiber and fluid needs
- Obesity
- Experiencing chronic cough disease (for long periods)